iphone 7 won't turn on

[Fixed] My iPhone 7 won’t turn on.

iphone 7 won’t turn on

Usually, in more recent times, most of all have claimed complaints on the basis of iPhone 7 won’t turn on troubleshooting issue. This might be due to the cause of fluctuations in power/any. As per my analysis, I have come with few fixes.

So follow us and get the perfect solution in a very short period of time. Before going to the fixes, like to know what exactly the reason behind causing such issue? Well, it might be a drain issue/firmware or any. Do not get worried about iPhone 7 won’t turn on the issue. Because I am going to help you in getting rid out of this.

iphone 7 won't turn on

Well, if you are iphone 7 won’t turn on, that might be the minor issue. Try out these methods provided in clear and better understandable format in order to fix iPhone won’t turn on the issue.

Hope you can get easily come out from the issue by trying these methods. Even though if you face the same can contact the nearby Apple support team representative.

How to fix a phone that won’t turn on When system crash:


  • The very first you have to press both the volume down button and also the power key which usually takes around 15-20 seconds.
  • For suppose, if you have enough battery power then it definitely turns on showcasing apple logo on the screen.
  • After doing so, just release both the keys and wait till the whole device reboots successfully.

This process can also be called as a soft reset. However, if still, it goes unresponded situation, follow the other methods shown below.


  • Check out all the pins in a perfect way.
  • Also, try using a different charger.

Cross check for physical and liquid damage

my iPhone 7 won’t turn on? First of all, analyze the problem and identify what exactly the reason behind the cause. This might be at times due to the phone fell in the water even though has the IP67 rating. And also, there might be a great chance that it suffers from physical damage/ any liquid damage. For suppose, if it is the physical damage, you can notice a crack on outside respectively.


If it’s a liquid damage, analyze as your iphone got dipped into a water/ some other liquid. And this might be a bit complicated one. so need to take some primitive measures for iphone 7 screen wont turn on before it gets a liquid damage.

Repair Options For When your iPhone Won’t Turn On

Ifr supposes the phone has a warranty, there might be no problem to cover any issue. Apple usually cover the repair for no charge when exactly it is on warranty period. So when you failed to solve the issue, go to the nearby Apple support so that they help to the greater extent.


Remember the problem must and should be solved when it is minor only. Other may lead to a bigger problem. So no waste of time. Contact not and get the perfect solution that clears out the whole problem in a very small period of time.

Final Thoughts

I hope you are cleared about the whole iPhone 7 won’t turn on. If you have any doubts, just drop a comment in the below section. Also, if you like the article iPhone 7 won’t turn off, share with friends or also on social networking sites undoubtedly. However, feel free to share all your opinion. Thank you. Stay in touch with PhoneGnome for more real and perfect fixes.

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